Friday, March 4, 2011

~Journal 4 (NETS-T IV,V) Teachers with the Internet~

LastSchaffhauser, D. (2010, December 01). It's time to trust teachers with the internet: a conversation with Meg Ormiston. Retrieved from

It’s not just the teachers afraid of using technology but the entire school uncertain about giving teachers the power to use technology. More and more teachers are becoming limited with their use of technology. It seems there is some kind of fear that the administration can’t trust what might happen if teachers were given the opportunity to use technology effectively, within a classroom. Teachers need the access of the internet to pull together resources needed for the classroom to run smoothly with all the information right there to access.  There’s also a limited amount of space on computers so that the information will be limited most of the time. One thing that is always a fear for all parents, administrators and other teachers alike is the use of blocking. Is everything going to be appropriately blocked or will there be accidents that prove to be inappropriate use of the internet. There are so many fears that we as a faculty need to get passed or else we set up for failure of progression with technology.

Q1: What is a challenge most teacher’s face when limiting access in technology?

A1: Teacher’s will become frustrated with all the restrictions upon their information because with too many restrictions there won’t be a way to access the proper direction to grab information.

Q2: Why is it important to speak with the administrators about internet access and what is available to access?

A2: Administrators control a lot of the make-up of the classrooms and how they will run. It helps to explain the benefits of having available access to the internet because we as teachers should be responsible and trusted within our classroom or else we shouldn’t even teach in the first place. It is up to us to convince administrators the power of technology and its resources.

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